I will start again with a brief summery of the info I have to date on my BIRKAHN/BERKON/BERKAN/WASSERMAN/WATERMAN research. A lot of the earlier info was very kindly given to me by my cousin Harold Waterman who was tragically taken from us this year and is very sadly missed, we remain in contact with his dear wife Therese.
Friedrichstadt (now Jaunjelgava) Latvia early 1800’s:
their children:
YANKEL (Jacob)
Itskha (Isaac)
They had 13 children (8 sons & 5 daughters) born Latvia including:
Rosa BIRKAHN, she married Soloman Wasserman who came to England with her in 1907. They had 7 children, 3 daughters, Clara, Annie, Miriam who all died in early infancy and 4 sons inc Leibe (Lewis Waterman) who married Anne Berkan, grand daughter of Shomer Birkhan in 1937.
They had 2 children:
Harold Waterman, who married Therese Stokes in Ireland in 1992, he very sadly died April 10th 2007.
Raymond Wasserman (Waterman) who also sadly died June 24th 2006
Motel (Max Berkan) his 1st marriage was to Bessie Bass in England in 1909, she died 1950 and he married Annie Donn in 1952. He became a Naturalised British Subject and served in the British Army during the 1914-18 war.
* BERCHIK ( BARNETT BERKON ) married DORA KRAITZBURG in England in 1906.
Their children:
Klare Birkahn (Claire Berkon)
Simon Birkahn (Simon Berkon)
Rebecca Birkahn (Berkon)
Annie Berkon
They had 8 children, (1 baby girl stillborn and a boy, Simon Keith who died soon after birth), including JANICE BERKON ( that’s me ).
This is just the briefest of outlines as I have vast amounts of info on this family and their descendants. I have kept it to a minimum in order not to upset or offend anyone who may not want this info published, although most of it is freely available to any member of the general public under the freedom of information act at the National Archives and FRC.
If anyone has any queries or any information to add please feel free to contact me.
December 30th, 2006 at 6:01 pm
Jan, pls contact me asap regarding your Birkahn family.
April 11th, 2007 at 10:51 am
Janice, please contact me urgently on this e-mail address.
April 11th, 2007 at 4:05 pm
I have sent you an email Anita.
July 22nd, 2008 at 1:20 pm
Hi! I am a Berkon as well. My roots come from Russia and I’ve never met another Berkon who I already knew was related to me. Any relation to Haim Berkon from any of your relatives? He was my grandfather and lived in Belarus before WWII.
July 24th, 2008 at 10:35 am
Hi Irina, Thank you for your message, I have sent you an email and hope to hear from you soon. Regards, Jan.